Fast delivery

Invoice payment

Individual Support



There is a 14-day return deadline. It begins on the date on which the product was received by you or a third party specified by you (who was not the carrier) and ends on the date on which you mailed the parcel at a post office or DHL station.

Please be sure to always return products to us in undamaged condition, provided with our safety label condition and complete with the original packaging and receipt; this serves for the protection of the product against transport damages during the return.

Use the enclosed return label for the return shipment. The label must be appended on the outside of the parcel.

To be able to continuously improve our service and offer for you, it is especially important that you indicate the reason for the return. To do so, please fill out the enclosed return slip completely and enclose it to the return.

You can then drop off the parcel at any post office or DHL station.

In addition, we would like to point out to you that the delivered products may only be used for the purpose of trying them on – in a similar way as trying them on in a local store. If the product deteriorates through the use, we will reserve demanding corresponding compensation for the value.